Camera lùi góc rộng có hồng ngoại
Mã kho hàng : 100963
Trạng thái : call
Tăng góc quan sát
Đảm bảo an toàn
Độ nét cao.
Hãng sản xuất:
495.000 VND

Camera hồng ngoại
Rear View Camera with Night Vision
1) Image device: 1/4" interline COMS
2) With night vision
3) Waterproof
4) Number of pixels: (H) 512 x (V) 582
5) Scanning system: 625 lines, 50 fields/s
6) Horizontal resolution: 420 TV lines
7) Video output: 1Vp-p 75Ω
8) BLC: backlight compensation (auto)
9) White balance: auto white balance (auto)
10) Minimum illumination: 0.5 lux F:2.0
11) Electronic shutter: 1/50~1/120,000s
12) Built-in lens: f: 2.8 (option)
13) Power consumption: 12V + 1V DC
14) Operation temperature: -10oC ~ +50oC RH 95% max.
15) Storage temperature: -20oC ~ +60oC RH95% max.
16) Weight: approx. 45g
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