Mã kho hàng : 112440
Trạng thái : call
Chất lượng âm thanh hoàn hảo
Giao diện dễ sử dụng
Âm thanh trung thực.
Hãng sản xuất:
3.895.000 VND
(0 đánh giá)
Mobile DVD/MP3/CD Player with USB and SD Memory Card Ports
Mobile DVD/MP3/CD Player with USB and SD Memory Card Ports and Front AV Input
- Chassis Mounting: Mini
- On Screen Display Menu
- Disk Player Mechanism: DVD
- Disc Player Compatible: DVD, MP3, CD, CDR, CDRW, VCD, SVCD
- USB Input: Full Size Front panel
- SD/MMC Memory Card Port Input: Front panel
- AUX Input: Front panel
- Video RCA Output: 1
- Audio RCA Output: 2
- Illumination Controls
- Last Position Memory
- ESP (Anti Skip Mechanism)
- Remote Control
- Mounting Depth: 6"
- Compatible with Audio Output of iPod and other MP3 Players
- Dimensions (H x L x W): 2" x 6.25" x 6.5"